Once people feel empowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities, and colleges are going to say, you want to come to this college, buddy? You’re going to get vaccinated. Lady, you’re going to get vaccinated. Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others are going to say, you want to work for us? You get vaccinated.
And it’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated. That’s exactly what you meant when you said making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people’s ability to work, travel, be educated, to actually flourish in American society, to self-determine as we’re all given God-given rights.
Shame on you. You inspired and created fear through mass mandates, school closures, vaccine mandates that have destroyed the people’s trust in our public health institutions.
They choose their targets, and then they take them out.
Tricks are for kids.
The logo is a damn rabbit.
The original doctors were psychopaths—cutting people open to perform experiments. Honestly, I’m not sure how much has changed.
We’ve been normalized to it, though—thank Stephen King for that. His movie placed fear in children, lured them with candy, and left behind a red balloon. Sounds eerily similar to a hospital, don’t you think? Once you awaken to it, everything feels so… morbid.
People, if you can’t see it yet, you need to wake up.
Take the last scene of Alice in Wonderland: Alice, chased by society’s norms, running to the door, only to awaken on the other side. That’s what we need to do—wake up.
And if you need help, think of that final scene. Think about beautiful Lana, sitting on the other side of the door, asleep. Now, imagine yourself where you want to be. Wake up there. Escape the matrix. You can go anywhere you want to go—everything’s made up anyway.
So imagine, when you are a kid, watching that movie. You enter to the rabbit hole of alusion and society norms follow the system like from bird.